AIHA (Amer. Indust. Hygiene Assoc.)
ASSP (Amer. Society of Safety Prof.)
HRCI (Human Resource Certif. Inst.)
OSHA (Occ. Safety & Health Admin.)
PRIMA (Public Risk Mgt. Assoc.)
SHRM (Society for HR Mgt.)
Risk Manager - City of Shreveport
Risk Manager - Crest Operations
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By becoming a member of one of PRIMA's committees, you can have input in what we do and how we do it. PRIMA’s committees are made up of YOU, the PRIMA memb…
Source: RISK Management Magazine (RIMS)
For more information about LA. PRIMA, or anything on this site, please call Kelley Bourque at: 225-644-7364, or reach us directly by using this form.