AIHA (Amer. Indust. Hygiene Assoc.)
ASSP (Amer. Society of Safety Prof.)
HRCI (Human Resource Certif. Inst.)
OSHA (Occ. Safety & Health Admin.)
PRIMA (Public Risk Mgt. Assoc.)
SHRM (Society for HR Mgt.)
Risk Manager - City of Shreveport
Risk Manager - Crest Operations
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By becoming a member of one of PRIMA's committees, you can have input in what we do and how we do it. PRIMA’s committees are made up of YOU, the PRIMA memb…
Source: RISK Management Magazine (RIMS)
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Source: RIMS
Sleep is a biological need for life and health. Like the need for food, too little or too much has significant mental and physical health consequences. Most adults need seven to nine hours of good-quality sleep every 24 hours to perform well.
When you l…