Volunteer to Serve on a PRIMA Committee

Give Back to the Risk Management Profession!

By becoming a member of one of PRIMA's committees, you can have input in what we do and how we do it. PRIMA’s committees are made up of YOU, the PRIMA member.

The first step in joining a PRIMA committee is to complete a volunteer interest form, where you select which committee or committees on which you are interested in serving, including:

  • Chapter Relations and Membership Enhancement
  • Education
  • Task Forces

In the coming months, there will also be opportunities to serve on PRIMA task forces. Stay tuned for more information on volunteer opportunities throughout the year!

If you have any questions, contact Jennifer Ackerman at 703.253.1267 or [email protected].

Send a Message

For more information about LA. PRIMA, or anything on this site, please call Kelley Bourque at: 225-644-7364, or reach us directly by using this form.

Contact Louisiana PRIMA